Community Centre Services
GLCC is home to a range of support services, donation and recycling points.
Services located at the Centre
Soft Plastics Recycling Bin
The Packaging Forum’s Soft Plastic Recycling Scheme Lets New Zealanders Recycle Plastic Bags and Wrappers
Collect all the soft plastic packaging which you use at home, make sure the bags are clean, empty and dry and drop them into the Soft Plastics Recycling bin in your Grey Lynn Community Centre
Please remember we only accept clean, dry and empty soft plastic bags and packaging. Food scraps and liquid will contaminate all the other bags in the bin. Hard plastic and metal objects will damage our processing plant. We do NOT accept compostable plastic bags or plant based plastics. Thank you for your support.

Battery Recycling
Batteries cannot be tossed out in your rubbish or recycling bins, the hazardous substances they contain could cause a fire in the truck or our recycling process plant.
If batteries end up in landfill, these substances may leak out into surrounding soil and ground water.
Most batteries that are recycled have to be shipped overseas to be processed.
Drop your batteries into the Grey Lynn Community Centre Foyer and we'll send them to our partners at Phoenix Recycling Group to ensure they are correctly recycled!
Give a Kid a Blanket (GaKab)
Grey Lynn Community Centre is your local donation point for Give a Kid a Blanket (GaKab).
We accept on behalf of GaKab, Blankets, duvet inners and covers, sleeping bags, infant sleep sacks, NEW pillows, NEW hot water bottles, Warm infant, child, teen and adult clothing, pyjamas, robes, socks, beanies, jumpers, track pants, hoodies. (Please email or message if you have something else to donate we may like and unsure if we take).
They also love receiving donations of hand-crafted items such as crocheted blankets, and knitted infant and children’s jumpers and cardigans, and beanies in all sizes.

Citizens Advice Bureau
CAB Hours:
Monday to Friday 9:30am to 3.30pm
JP clinics (No appointment needed):
Tuesday - 10:45am - 12:15pm
Thursday - 11am - 12:30pm
Other Clinics (Available by Appointment):
Budgeting - Tuesday
Legal - Saturday
Phone: 09 376 0392
For Justices of the Peace:
Grey Lynn
& Westmere
Plunket Nurse
Whānau Āwhina Plunket is a charity and Aotearoa’s largest support service for the health and wellbeing of tamariki under-five and their whānau.
Phone: 09 820 6532
Appointments essential
Good Medicine Clinic
This clinic came about from a desire to provide a certain style of primary care to the community that we feel is somewhat lost in the current trend towards faster, busier and less personalised healthcare.
Doctors Fiona Gordon, Frances Moon and Doug Winter and nurses Trish Lodge and Nicola Gee have many years of experience and have loved working together in the past. We share a strong desire to practice at a very high standard of medicine and to do so with a great deal of kindness, warmth, humour and love.
Phone: 09 869 5128
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a global organisation of recovering addicts. NA members are men and women from all walks of life for whom drugs had become a major problem, who meet regularly to help each other stay clean, and recover from the effects of addiction in their lives.
Narcotics Anonymous
Fridays 7.30pm in the Garden Room
Young Narcotics Anonymous
Wednesday 12.30pm in the Garden Room
Lamplight Women’s
Thursdays 7:15pm in the Garden Room